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Topic: sparrow psk tx/rx (Read 3176 times)

Posts: 4

Ich liebe dieses Forum!
sparrow psk tx/rx
« on: 09. May 2018, 15:56:43 »
hi all, still struggling to get the radio to work on digital modes, I can get the radio to go into and out of tx but having problems getting audio in and out to my software ,I'm using hamradio deluxe and also winwarbler as backup. the settings on the radio are as follows. 1 mode set to rtty-u 2 rit set to dig-ext 3 soundcard set to ovi microphone and ovi speakers laptop recognises radio as com port 3 cannot think of any other settings I should set. the other 2 methods I can think of using are 1 line in and out, but don't know what's needed to activate these in the menu 2 using speaker out and mic line in on the radiowith line isolation fitted to cables
lastly does the line in and out ports use the tip only on stereo jacks or wired as stereo
sorry for the long question but aged 71 here and used to using my kenwood 590sg which has a supplied manual and is therefore easy to setup, unfortunately I cannot find anything on the sparrow for information regarding menu settings regards to all Dave gm6jua

Posts: 4

Ich liebe dieses Forum!
Re:sparrow psk tx/rx
« Reply #2 on: 11. May 2018, 14:33:05 »
If you want to get USB audio in you must set input to "DIG/EXT". Otherwise you will not get audio into the rig.
Audio out via USB is always active and gets "normal audio" with one exception: If it is set to "DIQ/EXT" you will get IQ-audio fur usage with SDR software like quisk, hdsdr and so on.
vy 73 Andreas
| thanks Andreas found the problem eventually after trying 3 different usb cables found one that actually lets all the functions work, don't know why this should be the case but it has solved the problems 73's dave
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