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Topic: sparrow psk tx (Read 3122 times)

Posts: 4

Ich liebe dieses Forum!
sparrow psk tx
« on: 08. May 2018, 07:57:31 »
hi all, I have the Sparrow version of the radio and want to work in digital modes tx and rx what is the procedure to accomplish this do I need an external modem etc or can it be done just using the usb connection regards gm6jua

Posts: 4

Ich liebe dieses Forum!
Re:sparrow psk tx
« Reply #2 on: 08. May 2018, 12:57:11 »
Firmware is capable to work in PSK and RTTY "standalone". If you want to do it via software (PC/laptop) you only need an USB connection. Firmware serves CAT and USB audio simultaneously via one USB connection.
vy 73 Andreas
| many thanks Andreas, I have hooked it up to my computer selected bpsk-U and am using ham radio deluxe on the computer but cannot get the radio to go into tx/rx should I set the rit button to show dig ext sorry for the daft questions but new to sdr qrp and usually use a kenwood ts590 sg in the shack but I have no setup instructions for how to do this for the sparrow 73's dave gm6jua
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