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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #30 on: 29. March 2018, 07:23:22 »

This is used for mounting rain gutters or soldering your heating pipes in the house with heavy duty irons but never ever for electronics.



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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #31 on: 29. March 2018, 20:42:10 »

I used the MGChemical 8341 flux. Cleans up nice, with IPA and water. Good and tacky so it stays where you put it and doesn't turn to goo when using RoHS-temp irons. You can get it at Amazon or any of the big parts distributors (Digikey, Mouser, Newark, Arrow, etc.).


Anything with salts in it will ruin your day with fine-pitch SMD work.


Posts: 735

THE mcHF and UHSDR forum !

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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #32 on: 29. March 2018, 21:14:23 »

Or the classical Amtech
But you only need that for the STM32, WM encoder, and SI oscillator
Watch Andreas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wA8F7sm8VI
But never ever for the standard capacitors or resistands and other semiconductors on the board !
Here the iron and simple solder is way enough.
For cleaning an old tooth brush and IPA is always your friend.
« Last Edit: 31. March 2018, 10:47:27 by peter_77 » Logged


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #33 on: 29. March 2018, 22:01:50 »

Second on the toothbrush. Also get a cheap spray bottle for IPA and for DI water (distilled or reverse osmosis works fine). I usually do three steps, spray IPA, scrub with toothbrush, spray IPA until dripping, spray water until dripping, shake off. I'd be careful using an ultrasonic cleaner as we have 32kHz crystals which can be cracked by the ultrasonic bath.
schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #34 on: 30. March 2018, 08:01:54 »

Quote from: peter_77 on 29. March 2018, 07:23:22
This is used for mounting rain gutters or soldering your heating pipes in the house with heavy duty irons but never ever for electronics.

I'm trying not to feel embarrassed



Posts: 6286

Stellvertr. OVV I40, Jugend / Nachwuchsreferent

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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #35 on: 30. March 2018, 08:09:56 »

You didn't know that before - so "shit happens". Now its time to rescue the PCB. I think the salts can be best removed by water (look at the post of AC9QP). Using a ultrasonic cleaner will help a lot. It is easy to remove the 32kc crystal before you do so.

vy 73

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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #36 on: 30. March 2018, 08:13:00 »

I'm having success with the cleaning. I'm only using distilled water and a toothbrush because the darn salts from the bad fluss is not solvable in alcohols such as IPA. But I have to repeat brushing and rinsing and drying several times because the residue is really sticky, but now the board starts to look really nice again.

I'm drying with pressurized air in a home made drying-tunnel made from a an old PA blower and a 3 inch tube.

This is actually kind of fun....

schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #37 on: 30. March 2018, 08:41:46 »

Quote from: peter_77 on 29. March 2018, 21:14:23
Or the classical Amtech
But you only need that for the STM32, WM encoder, and SI oscillator
Watch Andreas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wA8F7sm8VI
But never ever for the standard capacitors or resistands and other semoconductors on the board. Here the iron and simple solder is way enough.
For cleaning an old tooth brush and IPA is always your friend.

Great tip in the video! I will try that with the new MCU scheduled to arrive at my doorstep after the Easter weekend.



Posts: 6286

Stellvertr. OVV I40, Jugend / Nachwuchsreferent

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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #38 on: 30. March 2018, 09:42:54 »

Regarding cleaning a hint:

i have had repaired ~5000 laptops during the last 15 years (I am self employed technician). If there was fluid on the PCB like milk, coke, coffee e.g. I cleaned it with water, first drying with pressure air and (important!!!) second drying with sunlight. I put the PCBs for a day to sunlight and then there was NO more water on it.

vy 73

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schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #39 on: 03. April 2018, 19:21:02 »

Everything is a go now! A week of brushing, rinsing and drying over and over. New MCU in place. All systems go :-). Display is stable and all button pushes result in expected action on the display.

Thanks for all support in this very educational ordeal :-)

Over and out from this thread!



Posts: 6286

Stellvertr. OVV I40, Jugend / Nachwuchsreferent

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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #40 on: 04. April 2018, 04:31:04 »

Nice to hear Ulf!

vy 73

Wenn der Wind des Wandels weht, nageln die einen Fenster und Türen zu und verbarrikadieren sich. Die anderen gehen nach draußen und bauen Windmühlen...
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