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   Author  Topic: Firmware loading trouble  (Read 9164 times)
schon länger dabei


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Firmware loading trouble
« on: 18. March 2018, 21:04:09 »

OK...  BL successfully installed after som hickups..

Over to firmware. I get this error. What cold be wrong?




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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #1 on: 18. March 2018, 21:23:07 »


power supply comes to my mind. Only reason I can think of why this could go wrong.

There is not much involved in USB DFU flashing: Power supply, MCU internal clock, 3 wires which go to the USB (D+, D-, GND). Everything else is not relevant. If we assume clock being okay, wires are obviously connected correctly (you may try another USB cable, just to be sure) this leaves the power supply as the only potential troublemaker.


schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #2 on: 19. March 2018, 20:18:10 »

OK....  Now I can load FW without error. I made better power connections, cleaned, reflowed some doubtful soldering. Testing continuity etc...  I'm not sure which effort rid the error.

Still nothing happens after FW loaded without error. The below screen is the only thing that happens on the screen. It's the same screen as before FW install.

What does it mean? Does it mean bootloader is installed correctly?

If bootloader correct... how can I troubleshoot?

Does everything so far exclude hardware error?




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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #3 on: 19. March 2018, 20:21:58 »


do you press the button Band+ (was Band- originally, which is wrong, DFU is Band+) when powering? Or is it simply always going to this screen? In this case -> Band+ is pressed (probably a solder bridge).

Check all buttons for not being connected to GND on the non-GND side of the connection.


« Last Edit: 19. March 2018, 20:30:40 by DB4PLE » Logged


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #4 on: 19. March 2018, 20:29:23 »


sorry - not correct... DFU is not entered by BAND- but by BAND+

The bridge against GND must be located at BAND+ track.

vy 73

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schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #5 on: 19. March 2018, 22:11:06 »

This is what happens:

1, Pressing Band + and then apply power = screen comes on with the yellow text and current is 160 mA
2, Still pressing Band +, everything is as in point 1.
3, Releasing Band + = current goes down to 100 mA
4, Screen goes blank (black) after an irregular time. Sometimes immediately, sometimes half a minute and sometimes a full minute. When screen goes blank (black) current goes down to 80 mA.

« Last Edit: 19. March 2018, 22:34:52 by sm0nor » Logged


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #6 on: 20. March 2018, 06:27:53 »

Two possibilities:

1) Please start without pressing any button. First red LED should turn on, then green LED lights in addition together with LCD activaation, then red LED turns OFF.

2) Please start with pressing and holding any button except POWER, BAND+ or BAND-. Hold the button until button test appears on screen.

vy 73

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schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #7 on: 20. March 2018, 06:36:22 »

I think I have a bigger problem :-(

I don't have any LED-activity at all. Only once, a couple of days ago I have seen the green LED flashing. But since that only time, all LED:s are off.

Sorry for being a bit unexperienced with this side of electronics . But I'm learning and I want to fix and learn more in the process!

« Last Edit: 20. March 2018, 06:51:17 by sm0nor » Logged


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #8 on: 20. March 2018, 09:27:53 »

Hi Ulf,

Your bootloader works - that can clearly be stated by bootloader messages when booting with BAND+ or BAND- pressed.

But I think your firmware is still not installed correctly.

Please follow these steps for a new try:

1) Apply +5V to the correspondent pin of USB A plug
2) Take an USB plug, FAT formatted, and add fw-40SDR.bin to its root directory
3) apply this plug to OVI40
4) press&hold BAND-, then apply power to OVI40 board
5) hold BAND- until message shows "Firmware will be updated".
6) wait until process finished. Now remove power supply, remove USB plug.

During update LEDs should work.

After rebooting OVI40 should work.

Do not know where you are trapping in during DFUse program - but this is the second way.

Please keep us updated about the result.

vy 73

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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #9 on: 20. March 2018, 11:22:46 »

Or instead of applying 5V and using the USB Stick you can install the firmware with DFuse as well.
Keep in mind that the I40 UI needs to be in DFU mode for this ! (Band + pressed at power on and you hear the Winblows chime, taskbar shows "STM32 in DFU Mode" under the USB symbol)
Exactly the same thing as you flashed the bootloader .dfu file.

Be sure to use the firmware file with the .dfu file extension:
and upload it the same way as you uploded the bootloader.
That should do the trick as well. 
« Last Edit: 20. March 2018, 11:31:42 by peter_77 » Logged


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #10 on: 20. March 2018, 12:22:07 »

Hi Peter,

that's the way Ulf has tried before and it does not work for him. Because there is a huge problematic block (PC/DFU program) I proposed the second way, which shows success of flashing firmware directly and unmisunderstandable on LCD.

vy 73

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schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #11 on: 21. March 2018, 14:49:00 »

Thank you for your input. Really appreciate the help

I will try this in few days. Business trip now and WPX in the weekend. I'll get back Monday-Tuesday

schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #12 on: 25. March 2018, 17:57:02 »

Found time today to try your suggestion. And yes, firmware loaded easily. But now other strange problem.
1, first time booted after firmware I got the nice UI up and runing including a spectrum (I only have UI board). Frequency counts up and down spontanously
2, Second time booting I got a a more limited UI. See picture.
3, Third time booting I got this blue screen, see picture. And it just loops in this order:
blank screen->splash screen->blue screen->reboots and then new cycle.

- Result 1 and 2 above cannot be repeated. It was only first and second start up
- First or second time, I saw three error messages. One of the was "local oscillator missing". The other two I didn't see...


DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI)
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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #13 on: 25. March 2018, 18:21:23 »

I think you have a short-circuit around the BAND-switches, because the Button-Test-Screen shows 2 buttons pressed.

UI 4, RF 4, Mods: UI-H-031,RF-05-H-001,RF-H-002,UI-H-003,UI-H-004,RF-H-005,UI-H-006,UI-H-008,RF-H-018,RF-H-023,UI-H-027,RF-H-029,UI-N-026,RF-N-009,RF-N-010,RF-N-011,RF-N-012,AG-N-013,RF-N-015,RF-N-016,UI-N-019,UI-N-025,RF-N-028,RF-N-030


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #14 on: 25. March 2018, 18:29:14 »

Hi Ulf,

there most likely some hardware problems left: I can see two buttons pressed during boot, one being band- and the other  is band+
Fix that and then try to press F1-F3-F5 during boot to reset all settings to default.

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