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schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #15 on: 25. March 2018, 21:35:05 »

Thanks for the F1+F3+F5 tips. This is what I get (see picture) and then I get the UI again.



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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #16 on: 26. March 2018, 03:31:35 »


Because of you do not have fitted rf PCB of course no local oscillator, temps sensor, SWR mod can be detected and this leads to the warnings. All is 100% ok.

vy 73

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schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #17 on: 26. March 2018, 17:36:24 »

OK. All good then!
Do I need to worry about the frequency readout wobbles around spontaneously? Or is this to be expected with no other components attached?
Any other test I can do now?

Thanks for great support!

schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #18 on: 26. March 2018, 18:28:24 »

to conclude the above…  the display is actually showing all kinds of stuff by itself. It cycles through the bands, waterfall on and off, main menu showing. and the blue screen cycling. All by itself.
Buttons having no appaearent effect.


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #19 on: 26. March 2018, 19:29:36 »

that is strange and indicates a serious hardware problem. Something related to the buttons aka GPIO inputs. An software problem does not explain this. This can be also cause by the touchscreen interrupt. Disconnect the TP_IRQ line from the MCU. Check the schematics, there should be a 0R resistor for that.

schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #20 on: 27. March 2018, 05:45:04 »

I have a theory....  IPA cleaning leaves a white residue. I googled it and it seem that this residue consists of salt crystals from flux that IPA may not dissolve. I will try with some tougher solvent designed for board cleaning.
I'll get back...
schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #21 on: 28. March 2018, 08:12:49 »

Now I know salt is the culprit! My mistake was to use IPA extensively for cleaning. I didn't know that this solvent is nowadays never used professionally. I have learned now to use just distilled water and an ultrasonic washer, if available.

My card is now probably so full av salt that it may be impossible to clean it again. But I'm in no way discouraged by my mistake. Instead I see this as a learning experience. And I will go on and try to get this board working. And I will build the RF board later. Now I have so much more experience :-).

When  I de-soldered the MCU I discovered the magnitude of the problem. In the picture you can see all the salt that was trapped under the MCU. It was squeezed through the wholes while desoldering with hot air.

My next step will be to wash with distilled water and an ultrasonic bath. My friend has one. I will put in a new MCU. However, I suspect there will be salt under just every component so I don't have high hopes. But I will at least try - as a part of my learning :-)

Most likely I will end up buying a completed board when available, because it's a bit tedious to build exactly the same board again . But I will build the RF board kit as I now knowhow to do it the right way :-)

Thanks for all the support! I love the project and I'm looking forward to next phase!


alter Hase


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #22 on: 28. March 2018, 08:52:16 »

Hi Ulf,
This is hmmm.. really ugly! What kind of flux are you using? I use the IPA for years and NEVER had any issue similar to yours...
The one I use is 99.5% C3H7OH. AFAIK there is no salt in IPA itself (look at the formula) it must be originated from something else like flux...

73 Slawek


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #23 on: 28. March 2018, 09:03:47 »

I recommend RMA-223-UV. It is no-clean and I never have had any problems.

But too late for you - the only solution will be "cleaning"...

vy 73

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schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #24 on: 28. March 2018, 09:37:21 »

Quote from: SP9BSL on 28. March 2018, 08:52:16
Hi Ulf,
This is hmmm.. really ugly! What kind of flux are you using? I use the IPA for years and NEVER had any issue similar to yours...
The one I use is 99.5% C3H7OH. AFAIK there is no salt in IPA itself (look at the formula) it must be originated from something else like flux...

I use a flux branded by Vellemann. But I perhaps should look for a proffesional brand.

According to my wife who is a chemist in med-chem says that the salt is formed from the metal ions in the IC legs reacting with something in the flux. IPA acts as a solvent helping to form the crystals. I don't know the details, but all kinds of solvents are used in med-chem to form crystals says my wife.
schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #25 on: 28. March 2018, 09:39:41 »

Quote from: DF8OE on 28. March 2018, 09:03:47
I recommend RMA-223-UV. It is no-clean and I never have had any problems.

But too late for you - the only solution will be "cleaning"...

vy 73

Good to know that perhaps IPA is not the problem. I will get another flux...

It is fun learn! :-)

Not discouraged.... :-)

alter Hase


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #26 on: 28. March 2018, 10:11:28 »

Quote from: sm0nor on 28. March 2018, 09:37:21
I use a flux branded by Vellemann. But I perhaps should look for a proffesional brand.

According to my wife who is a chemist in med-chem says that the salt is formed from the metal ions in the IC legs reacting with something in the flux. IPA acts as a solvent helping to form the crystals. I don't know the details, but all kinds of solvents are used in med-chem to form crystals says my wife.

I would not argue with wife, anyone's wife Especially chemist
If this flux is so aggresive that dissolves a chip legs at such degree - better not use it, buy something like the one  mentioned by Andreas.

73 Slawek
schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #27 on: 29. March 2018, 06:16:56 »

Quote from: SP9BSL on 28. March 2018, 10:11:28
Quote from: sm0nor on 28. March 2018, 09:37:21
I use a flux branded by Vellemann. But I perhaps should look for a proffesional brand.

According to my wife who is a chemist in med-chem says that the salt is formed from the metal ions in the IC legs reacting with something in the flux. IPA acts as a solvent helping to form the crystals. I don't know the details, but all kinds of solvents are used in med-chem to form crystals says my wife.

I would not argue with wife, anyone's wife Especially chemist
If this flux is so aggresive that dissolves a chip legs at such degree - better not use it, buy something like the one  mentioned by Andreas.

Ha, Ha!
schon länger dabei


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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #28 on: 29. March 2018, 06:24:54 »

This is the stuff I used, sold here in a chain of hobby-stores - not proffesional electronics.

It contains ammonium and zinc chloride solved in water - salts! "Real" flux should contain rosin solved in IPA. So, you are right, Slawek, IPA is not a problem. Nor where there any chemical reaction involved. The flux I used left its salt when the water vaporized. And these salts are most likely not solvable in alcohols - but in water! I still have som hopes for a water bath which I will try with today.

Mystery solved!




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Re:Firmware loading trouble
« Reply #29 on: 29. March 2018, 07:20:19 »

This one is absolutely unsuitable for electronics and SMD. I hope your PCB can be rescued...

Good luck!

vy 73

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