
UHSDR Troubleshooting

LCD constant white screen

In case the LCD remains white (background light on, no text) after OVI40 UI power up this indicates

The correct UHSDR functioning can be verified with simple means:

If this is not the case the boot loader needs to be (re)installed (see below). If this still doesn't solve the issue please check for possible hardware errors (see below).

MCU "bricked"

If there is no hardware defect it may help to re-install boot loader and firmware:

A non-functional MCU may be restored - if there is no hardware problem - with the ST-Link/V2 adapter and the required .bin file. The file can be found here.

Github Doc

You will need:

1. Preconditions

3. Debug cable

The debug cable shouldn't be longer than 10 cm. 3 to 4 connections are needed.

ST-link adapter OVI40 UI JP8 Remark
Pin-13 TRACESWO JP8 Pin 1 Debug Output
Pin-15 NRST JP8 Pin 2 Reset
Pin-07 SWDIO JP8 Pin 3 Debug I/O
Pin-09 SWCLK JP8 Pin 4 Debug Clock
Pin-01 MCU VDD JP8 Pin 5 VDD from MCU
Pin-20 Gnd JP8 Pin 6 Ground

Beschreibung ST-Link V2 und ST-Link ISO Adapter, Pin out

Connection ST-Link to UI board (photo F4HTX)

4. Connect

5. Flash the MCU

6. Done

Boot loader and firmware are now programmed again onto MCU.

Restore MCU Option bytes

1. You will need the ST-Link Tool. No account required, just provide valid e-mail - download link will be sent to this e-mail.

2. Connect ST-LINK USB (3 Leitung SWDIO, SWCLK und GND) with the corresponding pins of OVI40 UI (adapter cable see above).

3. Apply +5V to OVI40 UI, then in SW tool click Target→Connect. The MCU should be recognized, see status messages on screen. Otherwise re-check cables.

4. If ok in SW tool click Target→MCU Core to display MCU option bytes.

Option Bytes values STM32F767ZI (screenshot DF9TS)

These are the correct values:

Read Out Protection: Level0
BOR-Level: Level3
IWDG_SW: gesetzt
WWDG_SW: gesetzt
nRST_STOP: gesetzt
nRST_STDBY: gesetzt
FZ_IWDG_STOP: gesetzt
FZ_IWDG_STDBY: gesetzt
nDBOOT: gesetzt
nDBANK: nicht gesetzt
BOOT_ADD0: 0x0080 Boot from 0x200000
BOOT_ADD1: 0x0040 Boot from 0x100000
No ticks set at all in any box below “Flash Section Protection”

SW Bugs in boot loader or firmware

The list of open issues can be found here.

Check for defective hardware