There is an IDE for working with Mojo similar to Arduino IDE (what surprise: Mojo was released by Adafruit). Installing this IDE on Arch Linux is quite easy:
yay -S mojo-ide
This will end in an error because the url for downloading has changed. Now simply modify the download url which is located in PKGBUILD (you can find PKGBUILD for mojo-ide in ~/.cache/yay/mojo-ide/ ) following information from AUR database. Now finish the installation like that:
cd ~/.cache/yay/mojo-ide makepkg sudo pacman -U mojo-ide-B1.3.6-1-x86_64.pkg.tar
Now Mojo IDE is ready for start. You need to configure the path to Xilinx ISE binary and (if connected) the serial port for Mojo board (which is usually /dev/ttyACM0).
Wenn der Wind des Wandels weht, nageln die einen Fenster und Türen zu und verbarrikadieren sich. Die anderen gehen nach draußen und bauen Windmühlen... von DF8OE
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