Diskussions- und Newsboard des DARC-Ortsverbandes I40
allgemeine Kategorie => OVI40 SDR Projekt (English AND German discussions around OVI40 SDR project) => Message started by: DF8OE on 16. April 2020, 12:42:20

Title: Starting FPGA understanding and experimentals
Post by: DF8OE on 16. April 2020, 12:42:20

ISE installation tutorial is out in the wilderness and I suggested to start with an unexpensive development board called Mojo V3 (https://www.ebay.de/itm/Mojo-V3-FPGA-Development-Board-Module-Spartan-6-XC6SLX9-for-Arduino-DIY-DE/122831191265)

I will supply some more informations and hints how to start using Spartan XC6SLX9 now.

Of course there are technical documentations available for Mojo:

  • Schematics for Mojo (http://embeddedmicro.com/media/wysiwyg/mojo/v3-sch.pdf)
  • Base Project (you will need that for every new project - it contains pin definitions, IO etc. for Mojo (https://github.com/embmicro/mojo-base-project/archive/master.zip)
  • Binary for the installed LED-Demo (http://embeddedmicro.com/media/wysiwyg/mojo/led_wave.bin)
  • Tutorials (https://alchitry.com/pages/verilog-fpga-tutorials)

  • There is an IDE for working with Mojo similar to Arduino IDE (what surprise: Mojo was released by Adafruit). Installing this IDE on Arch Linux is quite easy:

    yay -S mojo-ide

    This will end in an error because the url for downloading has changed. Now simply modify the download url which is located in PKGBUILD (you can find PKGBUILD for mojo-ide in ~/.cache/yay/mojo-ide/ ) following information from AUR database (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/mojo-ide/). Now finish the installation like that:
    cd ~/.cache/yay/mojo-ide
    sudo pacman -U mojo-ide-B1.3.6-1-x86_64.pkg.tar

    Now Mojo IDE is ready for start. You need to configure the path to Xilinx ISE binary and (if connected) the serial port for Mojo board (which is usually /dev/ttyACM0).

    Now you need some inspiration (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mojo+v3) ::)
    Have fun!

    vy 73

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