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   Author  Topic: new sdr duc-ddc  (Read 14456 times)
alter Hase


Posts: 435

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Re:new sdr duc-ddc
« Reply #30 on: 16. November 2022, 10:36:37 »

Hallo Markus

bitteschön hier der Link:

STM32 Versionen

und hier die für den FPGA

Wenn der Tab für den STM32 aufgeht, einfach auf herunterladen klicken, dann wir eine zip-Datei (leider mit alle Treibern für die Displays) heruntergeladen.

so sollte es klappen.

PS: Du hast Post.


Stay cool and calm

vy 73

alter Hase


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Re:new sdr duc-ddc
« Reply #31 on: 16. November 2022, 14:19:25 »

Danke Norbert,

nach anfänglichen Problemen beim Download, bedingt durch meinen
Browser FF und das Plugin uMatrix, habe ich es dann doch noch geschafft
die beiden Archive komplett herunterzuladen.

93140560 Nov 16 15:10 STM32.zip
76651309 Nov 16 15:11 FPGA.zip

Lieben Dank für die Bereitstellung.

Ich habe mir doch die Zeit genommen und bin zur Poststelle geeilt und
habe die Platine auf den Weg zu Dir gebracht. Hoffe sie kommt Morgen
oder  spätestens Übermorgen bei Dir an.

Nicht wundern, es ist ein Einwurfeinschreiben, damit ich eine Trakking-
Nummer habe.


schon länger dabei


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« Reply #32 on: 17. November 2022, 08:35:56 »


I know that I am rather late to the party and that my question is overly optimistic, but still: is someone having a surplus and willing to sell the LTC2208CUP and DAC5674IPHP at more reasonable price than what Mouser's, Digikey's and LCSC offer?

Also an information about a possible alternative (but reliable) supplier would be nice as well.

We can also trade. I have: STM32H753ZIT6, AD9866BCPZ, STM32F429VIT6,... all new!

Better asking than being sorry for missing a train, hi.

Kind regards

Janez, S58J
schon länger dabei


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Re:new sdr duc-ddc
« Reply #33 on: 18. November 2022, 13:38:33 »

On the same topic I kindly ask for your further support. Bellow there is a list of ICs for which I need more information or better a part number (Mouser, Digikey, LCSC, ...) that you have used in your functioning Wolf. All listed chips are available but in many variants and I don't know which is the right one:

LTC6400 - which Voltage Gain: 8, 12, 14, 16, 20, 26 dB?
W25Q16 - so many, which one to use?
LD3985 - which output voltage?
25P80 - so many, part number please?

Thank you in advance

Janez, S58J

LTC2208CUP price is still hunting me - just insane.

DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI)
alter Hase


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Re:new sdr duc-ddc
« Reply #34 on: 20. November 2022, 19:12:00 »

Hello Janez,

for LTC6400 i have: https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/analog-devices-inc/ltc6400iud-20pbf/?qs=hVkxg5c3xu9DitWbE9p5xg%3d%3d&countrycode=DE&currencycode=EUR

for W25Q16 i have https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/winbond/w25q16jvssiq-tr/?qs=qSfuJ%252bfl%2fd6oXlsNm7Svfg%3d%3d&countrycode=DE&currencycode=EUR , but probably the Wrong !!

for 25P80 i have https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/alliance-memory/m25p80-vmn3tpb/?qs=TuK3vfAjtkU4rA%2faOWhL%2fg%3d%3d&countrycode=DE&currencycode=EUR

for LTC2208 i have https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/analog-devices-inc/ltc2208cuppbf/?qs=hVkxg5c3xu%2fidPWK5RP2Dg%3d%3d&countrycode=DE&currencycode=EUR

UI 4, RF 4, Mods: UI-H-031,RF-05-H-001,RF-H-002,UI-H-003,UI-H-004,RF-H-005,UI-H-006,UI-H-008,RF-H-018,RF-H-023,UI-H-027,RF-H-029,UI-N-026,RF-N-009,RF-N-010,RF-N-011,RF-N-012,AG-N-013,RF-N-015,RF-N-016,UI-N-019,UI-N-025,RF-N-028,RF-N-030
schon länger dabei


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Re:new sdr duc-ddc
« Reply #35 on: 23. November 2022, 18:36:20 »

Hi Michael

I really appreciate your reply - thank you! I am already chasing parts. Regardless that LTC2208 and DAC are both available (but veryyyyy expensive) I am still trying to find another supplier. It is a game of an everyday checking among the different suppliers.

If I may I have a couple more questions:

- What is the difference between the two 7-inch LCD Front units (the rev5 as on Github and the RA9UCN's version)? Is the RA9UCN's version the same as rev5 just more compact (smaller)?

- I am still struggling to find some more detailed photos (especially the compact QRP version) to find if for example I can stack the 7-inch RA9UCN's Front plate together with the latest rev33 motherboard and the latest RU4PN QRP RF board (the one with ATU). I am talking about physical stacking of the three PCBs in order to get the slimmest possible profile, not just connecting cables. 

- The parts: I have some bitter/sweet experience with AliExpress provided parts hence I am not using this option. As stated, I am checking on a daily basis for the parts availability the next providers: Mouser, Digikey and LCSC. Are there others worth checking as well?

Thank you in advance. Kind regards.

Janez, S58J
alter Hase


Posts: 435

Stress ist alles, was nicht Kaffeepause ist....

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Re:new sdr duc-ddc
« Reply #36 on: 23. November 2022, 21:47:13 »

Quote from: S58J on 23. November 2022, 18:36:20
If I may I have a couple more questions:

- What is the difference between the two 7-inch LCD Front units (the rev5 as on Github and the RA9UCN's version)? Is the RA9UCN's version the same as rev5 just more compact (smaller)?

- I am still struggling to find some more detailed photos (especially the compact QRP version) to find if for example I can stack the 7-inch RA9UCN's Front plate together with the latest rev33 motherboard and the latest RU4PN QRP RF board (the one with ATU). I am talking about physical stacking of the three PCBs in order to get the slimmest possible profile, not just connecting cables. 

- The parts: I have some bitter/sweet experience with AliExpress provided parts hence I am not using this option. As stated, I am checking on a daily basis for the parts availability the next providers: Mouser, Digikey and LCSC. Are there others worth checking as well?

Janez, S58J

Yes the displays are the same only the PCB for the front is much more compact. The buttons are mounted on the bottom side of the
of the housing

I only use the "big wolf" and therefore can not contribute any data or pictures.

An alternative would be TME

Stay cool and calm

vy 73

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