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   Author  Topic: @gmail.com  (Read 1835 times)


Posts: 6286

Stellvertr. OVV I40, Jugend / Nachwuchsreferent

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« on: 02. March 2020, 18:32:49 »

My mailserver provides spf and dkim and so it is leading. Many freemailers does not support this. But some providers (actually it is pointed to gmail.com) are blocking emails from me to them.

I cannot do anything against this.It is outside my influence.

Our world is moving into the influence of "bad boys"...

In the past there were problems with aol.com and others. This will be a never ending story. Some will accept no mail from my mailserver, some will not accept automated mails (unregarded they ae marked as "automated"), some will purge everything without notifications to sender or recipient.

Bad news for our freedom.

If you already have registered (you have seen yourself) I can provide a personal email with a password for you.

Sorry for this problems - the big players want to kill the small players (but I am still alive - and I never will stick up!)

vy 73
« Last Edit: 02. March 2020, 18:39:20 by DF8OE » Logged

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