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   Author  Topic: mcHF 0.6 PCB no longer available / OVI40 Form Factor  (Read 3400 times)


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mcHF 0.6 PCB no longer available / OVI40 Form Factor
« on: 27. November 2017, 07:40:17 »

This is a post, which continues a post I will make on the Yahoo NG.


I understand the love for the mcHF form factor. It is very compact. However, Chris is free to decide whatever he wants to with his production of PCB and kits. Since these are copyrighted, unless Chris publishes the Gerbers PCB design, we cannot make them by ourselves.

The OVI40 project team is currently betatesting the new PCB. It is a different design internally (faster processor, larger and higher resolution display, more buttons) and will also have a different external appearance so that chinese cases (or other cases for the mcHF) WILL NOT FIT unless the front plate is exchanged. But it keeps the form factor and is 100% compatible with any of the mcHF RF boards from 0.4 to 0.6 (mcHF RF 0.7 will have a different formfactor and break hardwae compatibility). And of course it runs the UHSDR firmware also used by most of you on the mcHF.

The OVI40 beta testing is almost over. The change to the higher resolution display may delay the availability of the final PCB a bit, but they are getting close. Use this forum to follow the progress and discuss with us.

Danilo, DB4PLE
« Last Edit: 28. November 2017, 21:06:52 by DB4PLE » Logged


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Re:mcHF 0.6 PCB no longer available / OVI40 Form Factor
« Reply #1 on: 27. November 2017, 18:52:27 »

Many thanks to all OVI40 development team, you are doing a great job!
Just waiting for the availability of PCB (and possibly pre-assembled board).
I keep following software development and try to give my small support.

73s Alberto I2KBD
« Last Edit: 27. November 2017, 18:53:15 by I2KBD » Logged


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Re:mcHF 0.6 PCB no longer available / OVI40 Form Factor
« Reply #2 on: 28. November 2017, 18:36:55 »

I'll add my thanks to Andreas and everyone else who has kept the open-source spirit and helped make the mcHF better and develop the OVI40. I'm waiting with great expectation for the PCB release of the OVI40 whatever formfactor it ends up in and hope to be able to help with future improvements. It's the community that makes these projects great.



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Re:mcHF 0.6 PCB no longer available / OVI40 Form Factor
« Reply #3 on: 28. November 2017, 20:13:02 »

Thanks for your feedback - it shows us that we are on the right way 


OVI40 PCB /kit / complete soldered preordering will start the next 7 days. I will do announcements on several places.

vy 73

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Re:mcHF 0.6 PCB no longer available / OVI40 Form Factor
« Reply #4 on: 29. November 2017, 06:18:08 »

a very good news, expected by many ! 

Vy 73,
de yo2ldk - Alex


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Re:mcHF 0.6 PCB no longer available / OVI40 Form Factor
« Reply #5 on: 01. December 2017, 11:44:23 »

Has it been 7 days yet?
I really want one of those OVI40  for my Portable GoBox.
Will it be announced Here?   


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Re:mcHF 0.6 PCB no longer available / OVI40 Form Factor
« Reply #6 on: 01. December 2017, 11:57:48 »

OK - I write a date:

preordering will start on 12/05/2017


Wenn der Wind des Wandels weht, nageln die einen Fenster und Türen zu und verbarrikadieren sich. Die anderen gehen nach draußen und bauen Windmühlen...
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Re:mcHF 0.6 PCB no longer available / OVI40 Form Factor
« Reply #7 on: 01. December 2017, 15:23:38 »


Just I got express tracking number from my chinese friend where I ordered samples of 3.5" LCD panels.

OVI40 will have standard LCD 3.5" running at 480x320 with scope and waterfall simultaneously. I must create a PCB where panel will be placed, PCB has exactly same form fasctor as 3.2" LCD. So hopefully I will get the samples next week. My promise can become truth: Preordering for OVI40 UI PCB can start in max. 5 days and if everything will run fine PCBs / kits / prepopulated boards can be an Xmas gift 

I'll hold you informed.

vy 73

Wenn der Wind des Wandels weht, nageln die einen Fenster und Türen zu und verbarrikadieren sich. Die anderen gehen nach draußen und bauen Windmühlen...
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Re:mcHF 0.6 PCB no longer available / OVI40 Form Factor
« Reply #8 on: 03. December 2017, 14:24:17 »

Hi Andreas

That sounds nice. I need at least 3 Boards and 3 displays (3.5") including the converter pcb you announced. I ask the other OM's here. With or without the parts, this depends on the availlability. But I make the order on the scheduled order start on 12th of december.

Vy 73
alter Hase


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Re:mcHF 0.6 PCB no longer available / OVI40 Form Factor
« Reply #9 on: 03. December 2017, 15:58:39 »

Hi Andreas,

good news! Where will you announce it on Tuesday? Here in the forum? I guess this plattform here  will need a powerfull server 

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