Posts: 6286

Stellvertr. OVV I40, Jugend / Nachwuchsreferent
Batch no. 1 - status UPDATE 12/28/2017
« on: 05. December 2017, 19:49:38 »
Hi to all who are in batch no. 1.
Actual state: PCBs are shipped (and new orders can be shipped "from stock") a few orders within Germany who wanted kit shipping immediately (before LCDs are available) are shipped, too I manufacturing of 3.5" LCDs will start tomorrow and foreign shipping will start first, followed by German kit orders All those who have ordered 3.2" LCDs: Please think about your decision if you really want to get them and let me know. OVI40 definitely will use 3.5" LCD as "standard LCD" and firmware will be offered in standard for this LCD. Mechanical size of 3.5" LCD is exactly the same as 3.2" LCD so I cannot imagine any reason to choose 3.2" LCD!! When 3.5" LCD manufacturing is finished I will start to manufacture "completely soldered and programmed" UI boards. This will start in January. I'll keep you informed.
vy 73 Andreas