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OVI40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« on: 13. March 2021, 14:22:21 »

Greetings to all, I'm Carmine ik2jtu, I bought a 4 "sparrow. This morning I tried to upgrade the firmware of my Sparrow ovi 40 F7, running the power-up maneuver holding the key plus band freezes on the bootloader screen and does not proceed with loading the .bin file from the USB key.
I kindly ask you if I can do something else for the upgrade ...
Many thanks, 73 Carmine ik2jtu
« Last Edit: 13. March 2021, 14:31:46 by IK2JTU » Logged


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Re:ovi40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« Reply #1 on: 13. March 2021, 14:31:52 »

Hi Carmine,

the BAND- button must be pressed and hold while powering up the device...

vy 73

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Re:OVI40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« Reply #2 on: 13. March 2021, 14:36:16 »

Hi Andreas and thanks for the quick reply, yes I keep the band + button pressed but nothing happens, it freezes and does not load the file.bin from the USB stick.
Thanks and 73 Carmine.
« Last Edit: 13. March 2021, 14:38:23 by IK2JTU » Logged


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Re:OVI40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« Reply #3 on: 13. March 2021, 14:38:20 »

Not the band plus but the band minus button!!!

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Re:OVI40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« Reply #4 on: 13. March 2021, 15:27:04 »

Andreas may not have understood the operations to be done but I also tried keeping the band button pressed - then I release it by keeping only the power button pressed and the screen turns white which is normal but nothing happens ...
do you want me to attach two photos of the two switch-on modes, one with the band + button and the second with the band- button pressed?


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Re:OVI40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« Reply #5 on: 13. March 2021, 15:53:36 »

Look at the info menu what bootloader and  firmware release is active and write it down here. We will start with very small steps now.

vy 73

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Re:OVI40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« Reply #6 on: 13. March 2021, 16:14:33 »

thanks Andreas, then the firmware is D2.11.81 and the bootloader is 5.0.4


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Re:OVI40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« Reply #7 on: 13. March 2021, 17:08:03 »

OK - Bootloader is up2date.

Please step through the following procedure:

1) Take an USB memory stick formatted with FAT16 or FAT32
2) copy firmware file to USB stick. Version is related to MCU you have soldered (H7=fw-ovi40.bin, F7=fw-40sdr.bin)
3) plug stick in UI USB connector
4) Press & hold (until I write anything else) BAND-MINUS button
5) Press POWER ON button aus usual
6) Bootloader now will tell you that you are in firmware upgrade mode
7) At the moment "firmware will be upgraded" apears on the screen release BAND-MINUS button
8 ) wait until process tells you "...finished successfully"
9) now pull off plug and TRX reboots with new firmware
10) switch off using POWER BUTTON to save new firmware config file (which has changed since the version you have used before)

If there is anything different from this please describe absolutely exact where what happens 

Feedback appreciated!

Good luck
« Last Edit: 13. March 2021, 17:09:56 by DF8OE » Logged

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Re:OVI40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« Reply #8 on: 13. March 2021, 18:08:20 »

ok Andreas done this procedure already many times and nothing happens ...
Then I'll explain how to proceed
1) usb key already inserted in the USB port with the file fw-40sdr (I have the version with F7)
2) I turn on and hold down band- and power on
3) the following wording appears:
OVI 40 F7 Bootloader
Firmware name: fw-40sdr
DFU Update Mode
Keep Power pressed until finish.
Release Band+ to start DFU Mode.
Screen may go white. This is ok.
PC should recognize new USB device.
4) release the band- button
5) the screen goes blank and nothing happens
6) release the power button and the OVI40 turns off
7) I turn on OVI40 again but the firmware is always the same as before
« Last Edit: 13. March 2021, 18:14:30 by IK2JTU » Logged


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Re:OVI40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« Reply #9 on: 13. March 2021, 18:18:39 »

It looks like Sparrow has swapped BAND-MINUS and BAND-PLUS buttons. You are thrown in DFU-Mode which is accessible by pressing and holding BAND-PLUS.

Please try same procedure using BAND-PLUS button.

Sparrow is not OVI40!!!!

vy 73

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Re:OVI40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« Reply #10 on: 13. March 2021, 20:42:26 »

Same thing Andreas, I do the procedure with usb inserted I switch on holding down the band + key and switch on and freezes with the following writing: OVI40 F7 Bootloader Firmaware Name: fw-20sdr
release band- to skip firmaware update ...
I assumed it was an OVI40 from the initial screen at power up where OVI40 F7 Transceiver UHSDR Vers. D2.11.81 appears ...
You say it's not an OVI40?
I bought it from Arthur SP3OSJ
« Last Edit: 13. March 2021, 20:52:11 by IK2JTU » Logged


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Re:OVI40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« Reply #11 on: 13. March 2021, 22:24:06 »

Hi Arthur, thanks for the reply, the usb stick I connected it directly to the usb port without any cable


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Re:OVI40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« Reply #12 on: 14. March 2021, 06:42:48 »

Sorry - but you are to inaccurate...

You write "same thing" but it is not the same thing. Message at your BAND
- MINUS button was around "dfu mode" and new message with BAND - PLUS button tells something about "Release BAND - MINUS button to skip firmware update". You released at this point the BAND - PLUS button and voilá: firmware update is skipped. What is wrong with this behaviour?

To be successful please read carefully my answers and follow them explicitly. Every word is important

Your hardware runs UHSDR - but it is not an OVI40. It is a Sparrow. As I have learnt at this point hardware BAND - PLUS and BAND - MINUS are swapped regarding correct naming on OVI40. There are many other hardware differences - I do not know.

vy 73
« Last Edit: 14. March 2021, 07:38:51 by DF8OE » Logged

Wenn der Wind des Wandels weht, nageln die einen Fenster und Türen zu und verbarrikadieren sich. Die anderen gehen nach draußen und bauen Windmühlen...
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Re:OVI40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« Reply #13 on: 14. March 2021, 12:02:00 »


a) What causes the Band-/Band+ swap issue on the Sparrow bootloader?

The UHSDR firmware and bootloader for OVI40 UI build run on the Sparrow hardware because it is from the perspective of the hardware control indistinguishable from the OVI40 UI. And that also means that the hardware button are used in the same way.

So why do you have to press Band+ to get Band- in the bootloader? Indistinguishable for the software does not imply identical.

What actually differs is the button labeling on the Sparrow case. I.e. on the hardware button by default used to handle Band- operation, there is the label Band+ on the case and vice versa. Now, why does the button labeled Band+ on the Sparrow (which I said is the hardware button Band- for the UHSDR OVI40 UI firmware) does Band+?

If you look into the configuration menu on your Sparrow, you will find an entry "Band+/- Swap" and it is set to "On". Hence the buttons behave as labeled. So far so good, that is why the button does at advertised on the case.
However, the UHSDR OVI40 bootloader (which is different from the UHSDR OVI40 firmware) does not have access to this configuration information, and for that reason it will use the default arrangement (i.e. Band+/- Swap Off). This difference between label and actual behavior makes the OVI40 bootloader instructions confusing for you. Bootloader always uses the default layout. BTW, Step+ and Step- are swapped as well.

b) As Andreas said, follow the instructions to the letter and following a) treat for the bootloader part button labeled as Band- as Band+ and Band+ as Band-. Now watch the green LED. If it blinks slowly, the bootloader has not recognized your USB drive. Why, I cannot tell. Maybe the power supply, maybe something else. To which of the two USB connectors (top or bottom) the drive is connected to? Bottom is the correct one, the one which is a Micro USB connector on the Sparrow ( on the OVI40 and mcHF this is an USB A host connector and is on the top of the case). The slightly larger MiniUSB connector is used to connect to a PC and for the DFU Upgrade procedure, which you may want to try in case the USB drive is not working.





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Re:OVI40 F7 Sparrow does not load firmware
« Reply #14 on: 14. March 2021, 21:17:11 »

Quote from: SP3OSJ on 14. March 2021, 13:03:23

One picture is worth more than many sentences.

Hi Arthur, exactly what I did, then I turn on while holding band + button
Unfortunately I don't have a 2 Gb Kingstone datatraveler USB stick
A perhaps trivial question, you can do firmware update in DFU mode?
« Last Edit: 14. March 2021, 21:22:21 by IK2JTU »

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