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en:ovi40what:ovi40_history [20.01.2018 20:01] df9ts_useren:ovi40what:ovi40_history [07.02.2018 06:00] (current) df9ts_user
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-{{tag>review}} +{{tag>english}}{{tag>review}} 
-===== OVI40 SDR Vorgeschichte =====+===== OVI40 SDR - how it started =====
 In 2015, the DARC local Radioclub OV I40 launched an initiative in which the [[http://www.m0nka.co.uk/|mcHF]] transceiver from Chris, M0NKA was built in Germany nationwide by radio amateurs and those interested in technology. The "networking" via our [[https://www.amateurfunk-sulingen.de/forum/index.php|Forum]] resulted in a rapid increased of mcHF builders. In our [[https://www.amateurfunk-sulingen.de/projects/projektgruppe-2#start|mcHF project group]], only about 20% of all bodybuilders have ever registered ... In 2015, the DARC local Radioclub OV I40 launched an initiative in which the [[http://www.m0nka.co.uk/|mcHF]] transceiver from Chris, M0NKA was built in Germany nationwide by radio amateurs and those interested in technology. The "networking" via our [[https://www.amateurfunk-sulingen.de/forum/index.php|Forum]] resulted in a rapid increased of mcHF builders. In our [[https://www.amateurfunk-sulingen.de/projects/projektgruppe-2#start|mcHF project group]], only about 20% of all bodybuilders have ever registered ...
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 The project / device contains the following items: The project / device contains the following items:
-  * Worldwide networking of all those interested in the project via our website with Forum , WIKI and also a chance to identify yourself as a "builder" of an OVI40 on a map, so that the local contact (with common troubleshooting, common soldering, etc.) is supported +  * Worldwide networking of all those interested in the project via our website with Forum , WIKI and also a chance to identify yourself as  a "builder" of an OVI40 on a map, so that the local contact (joint troubleshooting, mutual help etc.) is facilitated
-modern SDR technology+
   * "Standalone" (no PC required for operation)   * "Standalone" (no PC required for operation)
   * Low building cost   * Low building cost
  • en/ovi40what/ovi40_history.1516478485.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 20.01.2018 20:01
  • by df9ts_user