
UHSDR Introduction

UHSDR stands for Universal Ham Software Defined Radio.

The UHSDR project consists of boot loader and firmware (application) for stand-alone SDR hamradio transceivers. There is no need for an additional PC to operate the SDR radio. At this moment UHSDR supports the ST-Micro processors STM32F4, STM32F7 und STM32H7 MCUs with SDRs based on the QSD design. The firmware enables reception and transmission of the usual operating modes (SSB, FM, AM, synchronous-AM) as well as digital operating modes such as FreeDV, RTTY, BPSK and of course CW (that includes a Iambic/Ultimatic Keyer and bin-aural CW-reception). USB CAT-interface and USB audio-interface are also supported.
The UHSDR boot loader enables easy firmware- and boot loader upgrade via USB-stick or USB cable.

The firmware was originally developped by Chris, M0NKA, and Clint, KA7OEI as part of the mcHF project . Chris and Clint agreed in February 2017 to put the then existing firmware under GNU GPL V3. This original firmware is continued to be supported by Chris. The enhanced firmware developped since has been given the new project name “UHSDR”.

Since then the UHSDR firmware is constantly evolving and improving. UHSDR still supports the original mcHF hardware and will continue to do so. UHSDR supports other standalone SDR transceivers.

It is the aim of the UHSDR project to support the mcHF and other such transceivers as long as there are contributors willing to support those platforms.

UHSDR is a very interesting boot loader and firmware alternative for the mcHF.

The UHSDR project provides both stable software versions as well as “bleeding edge” daily development builds. Alle software versions since August 19, 2017 have been archived and can be accessed here from Github.

Have a look at the Github project page commits to see the most recent developments and discussions happening

The UHSDR section in the Wiki will help you access UHSDR related documents, menu descriptions and operating hints.

Open-Source opens possibilities.