Posts: 6284
Stellvertr. OVV I40, Jugend / Nachwuchsreferent
Neue Statistik / new statistics
« on: 10. August 2020, 17:42:16 »
I am the only one who has access to the server logs and try to interpret them.
- Every day I count ~2000 accesses to the discussion group.
- Nearly 1500 are attacks to hack the software (without success since 5 years)
- 480 are guests and dig through different threads to solve their problems.
- 20 visitors are registered and have permission to write.
- normally no more than 3 are writing...
Community lives from activity. Democracy lives from activity.
Of course everyone is not more than an ant. But millions of ants have a mighty power.
Why not share own experiences? Why not share interesting things about our hobby?
Everything you invest (time, ideas) will return in a multiple way.
Be active, please! Amateur radio is 80% listening and 20% TXing. Not 0.5% TXing
vy 73 Andreas