Diskussions- und Newsboard des DARC-Ortsverbandes I40
allgemeine Kategorie => mcHF Projekt Deutsch / English (here you can discuss everything related to mcHF) => Message started by: yo2ldk on 20. July 2017, 17:18:22

Title: about CAT
Post by: yo2ldk on 20. July 2017, 17:18:22

As I see it, the CAT commands is unclear for this transceiver, but with software for digital modes is running well, changing bands, freq. and RX/TX.
I try to play with CAT via terminal program, but when I send for example 01 40 70 00 01 to go on 14.070Mhz, not take the command; or other, like split or TX.
is need after byte command to end <CR> or <LF> ? I not see on manual.
Another question, it is somewhere a list with CAT commands who work on mcHF ? i know is very limited and not full compatible...
O, and why on menu, at FT817 clone is ERROR!
and, in the future, can be this implemented more complete?

73, de yo2ldk

Title: Re:about CAT
Post by: DF8OE on 20. July 2017, 17:24:01


"clone" is a debug function programmers use - "no user funcionality". Actually it is "dead code".

UHSDR is capable of all commands HAMLIB understands - so you can take a look there. We have not implemented the (yet undocumented) direct write to EEPROM functions of FT817 - but maybe we will work on this in the future.

I by myself do not miss anything when working with CAT. all software I use works well (because of I use Hamlib) ;)

vy 73

Title: Re:about CAT
Post by: DB4PLE on 20. July 2017, 23:35:42


the list is in the code:


EEPROM Read and Write is only implemented partially (since these are undocumented commands anyway)
All other commands are equal or close to being equal to a real FT817.

In a normal terminal program you will be not able to type CAT commands by hand. First, it is binary i.e. you have to enter not "letters" but 5 byte of binary data. And you have to be quick (you have to type the data for the 5 bytes within 200ms).

Much more on the CAT protocol itself can be found in the FT817 manual, just google. Lots of details can be found on KA7OEI FT-817 pages and of course in the code.

As Andreas said, we implemented all relevant official commands plus a very limited set of EEPROM read/writes. All CAT programs we tried so far are now happy with the CAT protocol.

Cloning is "Experimental Code" and is disabled in normal builds. Probably will never be available in its current form for general use anyway.


Title: Re:about CAT
Post by: yo2ldk on 21. July 2017, 05:33:26

OK, all is clear now

in terminal commands was good, I give the commands code as example to see is equal with FT;
but you have right about timing :)

Good luck in development and inspired ideas comes easy to you !

73, de yo2ldk

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