Diskussions- und Newsboard des DARC-Ortsverbandes I40
allgemeine Kategorie => mcHF Projekt Deutsch / English (here you can discuss everything related to mcHF) => Message started by: WD8BXS on 04. May 2021, 22:29:44

Title: 1.5k spurs
Post by: WD8BXS on 04. May 2021, 22:29:44

A friend over seas has An MCHF that all of a sudden started having 1.5kz spurs above and below set frequency.
Removing C78 has no effect. Disabling the PA has no effect.

Any ideas friends?

TNX, Chuck WD8BXS, 73

Title: Re:1.5k spurs
Post by: WD8BXS on 06. May 2021, 01:44:49

No ideas anyone??

Title: Re:1.5k spurs
Post by: DF8OE on 06. May 2021, 04:40:36

Sorry - no ideas.

vy 73

Title: Re:1.5k spurs
Post by: satoryboy on 19. May 2021, 09:07:17

Spurs in receive or transmit mode? Details in the studio, here is not a literary salon.

Title: Re:1.5k spurs
Post by: DF8OE on 19. May 2021, 10:52:28

I think we should discuss as much as possible in the salon, which is accessible by all and not in the studio where only two can participate!

vy 73

Title: Re:1.5k spurs
Post by: WD8BXS on 20. May 2021, 19:55:44

Hello Friends!!

I don't know what the "Salon" is!!

But at any rate, I have solved the issue here.
I have this radio on the bench now and I discovered a torn trace going to C7a.

Repaired the trace and all seem well.

De Chuck, 73
Have a great day!!

Title: Re:1.5k spurs
Post by: DF8OE on 21. May 2021, 04:45:55

I ca nonly guess, too. But I think satoryboy means the open discussion group by "salon" and PM (private messages) by "Studio" ::)

Nice to hear that you have fixed it!

vy 73

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