Diskussions- und Newsboard des DARC-Ortsverbandes I40
allgemeine Kategorie => mcHF Projekt Deutsch / English (here you can discuss everything related to mcHF) => Message started by: WD8BXS on 26. September 2019, 17:30:13

Title: Version 4 information
Post by: WD8BXS on 26. September 2019, 17:30:13

What is the latest firmware and bootloader that can be used in a version 4?

I am not familiar with version 4.
Someone has asked me to update their version 4, and I am not sure about doing it.

Chuck, WD8BXS, 73

Title: Re:Version 4 information
Post by: DF8OE on 27. September 2019, 05:51:37

It ist for all versions the same: the recent one. It is only recommended, that the hardware is modified to

- not short circuit SPI and parallel bus
- touchscreen is activated
- a suitable EEPROM is placed

The first is mandatory, the following two are strongly recommended.

vy 73

Title: Re:Version 4 information
Post by: DF5LI on 27. September 2019, 11:52:52

Version 4 ?? Did I miss something? Hardware? Software ? ???

Title: Re:Version 4 information
Post by: DF8OE on 27. September 2019, 13:24:54

Hardware version 0.4 - there ist nothing else related to "4" ::)

vy 73

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