Diskussions- und Newsboard des DARC-Ortsverbandes I40
allgemeine Kategorie => mcHF Projekt Deutsch / English (here you can discuss everything related to mcHF) => Message started by: WD8BXS on 18. July 2019, 10:34:42

Title: Odd Ver 6.2
Post by: WD8BXS on 18. July 2019, 10:34:42

I have aver 6.2 on the bench that will power on OK, then sporadically go into transmit.
If you toggle the tune button, it will stop transmitting for a second and then go back into transmit.

It is in the RF board, as I have tried several U boards with the same result.

Any ideas??

de WD8BXS Chuck

Title: Re:Odd Ver 6.2
Post by: DF8OE on 18. July 2019, 10:44:27

Please observe the keyer input lines. Mostly there was made a modification using zenerdiodes at these two lines but they are not steep enough. The result is one of the lines is pulled down a little bit and can lead to occasional TX.

Workaround: put a pullup of 1K on both lines to 3.3V dig power supply.

vy 73

Title: Re:Odd Ver 6.2
Post by: WD8BXS on 18. July 2019, 14:43:38

Is not that what D2a and D2b are for??


Title: Re:Odd Ver 6.2
Post by: DF8OE on 18. July 2019, 15:05:13

OK - this version already has well working protection. I do own a 0.4 and have not ollked into the 0.6 schematics.

I think there are some glitches at one of the lines (mainly PTT). Please observe signals via scope. Maybe there is a bad soldering from his line to MCU, too.

vy 73

Title: Re:Odd Ver 6.2
Post by: WD8BXS on 18. July 2019, 16:32:26

I pulled the number 12 pin from the 30 pin header and the problem goes away.

Title: Re:Odd Ver 6.2
Post by: DF8OE on 18. July 2019, 17:34:16

You got it.... There is something on rf board what pulls down voltage at paddle_dah so that MCU goes sporadically to TX. So now you have to investigate what part is the cause. There are not sooo many - you will find it ::)

Good luck!

vy 73

Title: Re:Odd Ver 6.2
Post by: WD8BXS on 18. July 2019, 19:53:59

Having a bad day here.

Working on a different board it now has red digits!!
Maybe should have stayed in bed, hihi


Title: Re:Odd Ver 6.2
Post by: OE3HKC on 18. July 2019, 20:37:50

don't worry be happy
;D ;D

Title: Re:Odd Ver 6.2
Post by: WD8BXS on 19. July 2019, 04:43:40

So, red digits mean si570 is defective??? :(


Title: Re:Odd Ver 6.2
Post by: DF8OE on 19. July 2019, 05:50:55

Red digits mean communication with SI570 is broken.

Mostly bad solderings are the reason (SI570 footprint is not ideal so there are many bad solderings, and at STM32 there can be some at I2C pins, too).

vy 73

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