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schon länger dabei


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Go and use your mcHF
« on: 11. January 2020, 08:46:16 »

Hi to all

When sunspot numbers higher than usual, our mcHF can do amazing contacs. This morning alone brought me some cool contacts on 21 MHz (9M2TO, ZL2RX,...). With 5W output making 17.000km+ long distance...sweet!. More surprizing was to notice where I was being heard (to include Brasil during morning hours - long path!!!)

Have fun while this recent sunspots numbers last!

Janez, S58J

schon länger dabei


Posts: 100

Ich liebe dieses Forum!

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Re:Go and use your mcHF
« Reply #1 on: 11. January 2020, 08:48:03 »

and the pskreporter.info from the same time period

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Diskussions- und Newsboard des DARC-Ortsverbandes I40  |  allgemeine Kategorie  |  mcHF Projekt Deutsch / English (here you can discuss everything related to mcHF) (Moderators: DF8OE, DL1PQ)  |  Topic: Go and use your mcHF <- zurück vorwärts ->
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