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   Author  Topic: [solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ  (Read 14460 times)


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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #105 on: 03. September 2018, 10:43:43 »

I have tested in Xlate=-12KHz (my normal working Xlate). Changing of Xlate has no influence on 12KHz spurs because there is no hardware issue in my mcHFs. But if I would have hardware issue or twin peaks syndrom there would be a huge difference in behaviour! If everything is ok there is no difference.

Auto IQ is set to "ON". If I switch it off my manual adjustments take over. They are exactly done as described in Wiki. So the difference between AUTO IQ ON and OFF is very small.

And YES, I cannot see any malfunction, too. Even with infected config the issue pops up if the input signal is much louder than 9+20dB. Below that NO SPURS AUDIBLE. Under normal working conditions: If I get a signal louder than 9+20dB (and it is *not* my neighbour) all other signals and QRM is higher, too and the resulting spurs are buried in the noise...

vy 73
« Last Edit: 03. September 2018, 10:50:05 by DF8OE » Logged

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alter Hase


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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #106 on: 03. September 2018, 11:03:25 »

Thanks, Andreas!

Totally agreed!

Lets see what the problem looks like in Chucks and Francois´ radios when they use the same test conditions.

73 Frank

Teensy Convolution SDR


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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #107 on: 03. September 2018, 11:07:12 »

I think I am "bounced out" now for further testings presenting the issue. I thought I have had it using infected config: but it seems that never was so. The suppression always was > 40dB. What I have heard from the video of François is a complete different behaviour of all I have seen. So I can only state: not reproduceable for me - under no circumstances.

What I have seen is the normal filter suppression slightly impacted by unluckily settings.

vy 73

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alter Hase


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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #108 on: 03. September 2018, 11:11:47 »

Andreas, I think we have several issues mixed here:

* decimation/Hilbert filter software issue (I found a minor filter problem in the firmware and will test an improvement in the next days)

* maybe an EEPROM setting issue (I sent an Email to Danilo for that)

* maybe IQ settings issues (lets see the outcome of the tests by Chuck and Francois)

Lets see :-)

73 Frank

Teensy Convolution SDR


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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #109 on: 03. September 2018, 11:18:03 »

Hi Frank,

full ack. I can confirm that there is a level jump if I change filter from 3.6K to 3.8K. With input signal -30dBm I can hear it using filter 3.6K (or smaller) but when I switch to 3.8K it is completely gone. It is not audible - as deep as I try to find it. If this can be fixed behaviour is perfect. Now it is "near perfect" because the spurs never can mislead me under normal operating conditions - much too low.

vy 73
« Last Edit: 03. September 2018, 11:42:33 by DF8OE » Logged

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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #110 on: 03. September 2018, 12:22:49 »

Hi Friends,

@ Andreas : I did not say the meter measurement is unreliable, I was just asking if the birdies problem, because it’s a locally generated artifact, might elude the s-meter measuring in the signal processing chain. But this might be not relevant because my ignorance about the software architecture, please forgive...

@ Frank : Hereunder a link for the two videos you asked for (sorry 600MB, I should find sometime a way to compress those vids) :


This time +12kHz and RxIQon, I reseted the codec multiple time on the second video.

I would like to add a couple word about the history : I crafted two mchf v0.6, gifted one to my friend F6DPT (50 years experienced ham), and we were very happy playing with those TRX. After few months I noticed that I listened multiple occurrences of strong signals on a x12kHZ modulo. It was new and loud and I am quite sure I would have noticed it if it existed earlier. A few time later my friend called me because he noticed the same problem. We were doing the firmware update when they appeared and I am totally unsure when the change occurred. But we noticed this almost at the same time, and it appears on the web shortly later. I do agree (because of the firmware downgrade tests we did yesterday) that this is probably a long time existing problem rising up because of the better AGC. We could push the dust under the rug, but, for sure, it will came out again.

The question I would love to get an answer is : which part of the processing is able to generate such artifacts (nx +/-12kHz birdies) ? Does the maths predict this or is that a coding issue ?

There is also a possibility of hardware generated artifacts, ADC and DAC are far from perfect, and their implementation could be very tricky when you are playing with large dynamic range (routing, decoupling, tracks coupling, etc.). So far, we have no control on this aspect of the mchf.

I understand how frustrating and annoying this issue might be for the lead team, but without knowing where it does come from, I think we have a time bomb in the uhsdr.

Once again, we have to go « where no man… » And remember, people in red uniform die first !


alter Hase


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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #111 on: 03. September 2018, 12:56:58 »

Hi Francois,

excellent! Thanks a lot for the videos, that is extremely interesting!

I had to watch the videos three times each to write down what is happening there . . . because on the second video the behaviour is different!

1st video: with automatic IQ correction, 3k6 BPF:

* what you can see is the following:
10.053kHz very faint signal
10.065kHz loud unwanted signal, but not visible
10.077kHz loud unwanted signal, but not visible
10.089kHz NO SIGNAL
10.101kHz wanted signal with -74dBm
10.113kHz NO SIGNAL
10.125kHz NO SIGNAL
10.137kHz NO SIGNAL
10.149kHz NO SIGNAL
--> no unwanted signals above the wanted signal
--> exactly TWO unwanted loud signals below the wanted signal spaced 12kHz in a distance of 24kHz of the wanted signal
--> unwanted signals NOT visible (and no dBm display possible)

2nd video: with automatic IQ correction, 3k6 BPF:

* what you can see is the following:
10.053kHz very faint signal
10.065kHz loud unwanted signal, but not visible
10.077kHz loud unwanted signal, but not visible
10.089kHz loud unwanted signal, but not visible
10.101kHz wanted signal with -74dBm
10.113kHz loud unwanted signal, but not visible
10.125kHz NO SIGNAL
10.137kHz NO SIGNAL
10.149kHz NO SIGNAL
--> YES, unwanted signal above the wanted signal
--> exactly FOUR unwanted loud signals below the wanted signal spaced 12kHz in a distance of 12kHz of the wanted signal, three below and one above
--> unwanted signals NOT visible (and no dBm display possible)

Honestly, I have no idea what that problem is!

It has nothing to do with the things I discussed above in this thread. You can easily see that the problems in your former video posted above in this thread were 100% caused by the IQ correction that was set to OFF. They have disappeared. But I cannot explain the new problems noted above with any software issue.

The most probable solution that comes to my mind is an erroneous codec that does what it wants depending on the reset.

You could do the following:

* set VFO to one of the unwanted signals and listen to the loud tone
* go into the menu and reset codec
* if the tone goes away (and maybe changes its position), the problem has to do with the codec hardware

Where did you buy the codecs that are inside your machine and the machine that you gave to your HAM radio colleague?

Maybe other OMs have an idea how this could be caused by software? I have no clue at all.

73 Frank


Teensy Convolution SDR


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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #112 on: 03. September 2018, 13:05:24 »

If we

  • use same firmware binaries
  • use identical settings (default ones or injected via Python)

...and get different behaviour:

I do not see any chance it is a firmware problem.

It would be very exiting to have such a radio here on my desk...

I have listened to the videos and see:
first video:

  • you do have a very worse "wrong sideband suppression". Mine uis much, much better - at 30dB higher levels as you mine are "in the noise"
  • the spur 12KHz under the signal is missing completely
  • the spurs above are missing completely, too

second video differs!!!! (== codec reset changes something).

That looks like an IQ problem - swapped LO signals...

Or other defects in hardware. I have calculated all possible errors in firmware and nothing matches the above results.

I would be interested in the result you get repeating the test (without need of codec reset) with Xlate=off.

I try to look into the future:
Using Xlate=off you do not see any spurs...

vy 73
« Last Edit: 03. September 2018, 13:44:14 by DF8OE » Logged

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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #113 on: 03. September 2018, 14:21:02 »

Hi again Andreas and Frank,

@ Frank : my usual configuration is with -12kHz, so I am not familiar with the +12k test I performed, but I concur on the fact : WTF !!

I did the codec reset, here is the video (Spoiler : you will LOVE this one. This is fun, hold on to your wigs !!) :


When the codec reset seems to be efficient, the birdy goes down to where it should stay, in the noise. But, most of the time, it is like the reset is not performed correctly.

It might be hardware problem of the codec. All my components came from large reseller, in this particular case the codec is from Mouser. I might buy from another source and swap the chip. This seems to be a long shot as two mchf with two UI with the same chip problem...

I attached a pic of this area of the UI board I shot on Nov.2017. I will tear apart the mchf and put the UI board under my binocular. Two codecs wrongly soldered… Why not...

@ Andreas : here is the vid you requested with Xlate off
I try to look into the future:
Using Xlate=off you do not see any spurs...

Nope : unfortunately your crystal ball needs upgrade






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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #114 on: 03. September 2018, 14:47:27 »

The "twin peaks syndrom" (we called it so) is a result in a shift (1 byte) between I and Q. Under normal usage conditions for the chip (e.g. in mp3 players) it makes no difference if there is a shift or not. So designer of the chip never has recognized that there might be a problem. This shift occurs "by chance". The probility that the issue occurs is dependent on things we cannot identify. Different firmware versions (e.g. only the colour of the fonts was changed) do show higher or lower probility. But there was NO firmware where the issue was always there or never.

So Frank implemented an "autodetection" if the issue is present and if so, it resets the chip as long as it is gone. It seems so that this autodetection does no longer work on all chips. I have not seen this since over a year.

But why you do see 12KHz mirrors when Xlate=off is a miracle. There is nothing that is using 12KHz if Xlate is off. Maybe Frank can interpret this - I cannot.

vy 73
« Last Edit: 03. September 2018, 14:50:56 by DF8OE » Logged

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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #115 on: 03. September 2018, 14:52:39 »

Hello Andreas,

How can it be a hardware issue if you can load a config file in your radio and get it to happen?
If you do not have the issue, send me a copy of your config file and I will test it here.


De WD8BXS vy 73


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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #116 on: 03. September 2018, 14:59:05 »

That was an error by me. I never have seen the behaviour François showed in his videos. I have seen a slightly worse suppression at some configs (suppression is only 40...45dB). But the spurs are detectable by dBm display and can be suppressed by resetting the config. That is a problem, too - but it is not the problem which is discussed in the last posts. So I must state I never have had seen the issue at any device using any config.

The problem I have seen is getting lower at higher BW filters (> 3.6K) - the spurs are moving into the noise (included "infected configs"). And they never reached amplitudes like in François' videos.

vy 73

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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #117 on: 03. September 2018, 14:59:13 »

Hi Francois, hi Andreas,

thanks a lot for your efforts!

WTF !!

fully agreed ;-). Nice video with a multiresistent codec (although you seem to be a little fast on the encoder, give the automatic IQ correction a little more time to do its job properly before resetting again ;-))

It seems the cause has now been identified as hardware-related. Whether the software can deal with this, is another question. But if the codec is so resistent to reset and the shift seems to be randomly distributed (as can be seen in your two videos having different frequencies with unwanted signals), software correction is not straightforward.

I have seen the same phenomenon with a totally different codec (SGTL5000), so this seems to be common and as Andreas said, would go totally unnoticed in every quality control at the chip factory.

It is really good, Francois, that you built two mcHFs, because that was the final clue that put us on the right track with the codec ;-).

So, yes, hardware check (soldering) or even codec exchange would be the right solution here, I think.

The good thing is, that in the course of the search for a firmware issue I detected a bug in the audio chain, so maybe this will improve suppression of birdies a little more, but that has to be tested. We will keep you informed, if and when a new version is issued.

73 Frank


Teensy Convolution SDR
alter Hase


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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #118 on: 03. September 2018, 15:05:42 »

Hi Chuck,

it would be very interesting to have a look at your problem and decide whether it has the same cause. Could you make a video of your machine with the following settings ? :

* inject a signal at 10100kHz into your radio

* IQ auto correction ON (because we have to eliminate the possibility that it is just a malaligned IQ phase/amplitude); alternatively you can show me on the video that your IQ phase and amplitude is perfectly manually calibrated at 10100kHz

* set frequency translation to +12kHz

* set display to spectrum display only

* could you tune slowly from 10100kHz to 10126kHz and down to 10074kHz

* after that, could you navigate to one of the unwanted signals and listen to the tone

* then go into the menu and try to restart the codec many times (leave some time after the restart for the automatic IQ correction, one second is enough)

* if it is the same issue, the tone will disappear after a restart (it could be that many restarts are necessary --> see the video by Francois)

Thanks a lot in advance!

73 Frank

Teensy Convolution SDR
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Re:[not solved] Receiving strong sigs 12.KHZ
« Reply #119 on: 03. September 2018, 15:08:59 »

Hello Andreas and Frank,

Thanks for the explanations, so, this is what I will do now :
1. Thorough exam of my UI board under the binocular
2. I will swap the codec with one of the ovi-40 kit still not soldered
3. Report to the team…

Many thanks for your dedication folks.

Best Regards,


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